• historia

SANTA ROSA, then SANTA TERESA and today MONTE VIEJO is an important historical estancia built in the lands which belonged to Mr. Pedro José Ferrari, founder of Brandsen. Its recorded history goes back to June 1632, when Governor Dávila & Enriquez decided to give these lands as a gift to Second Lieutenant Gamiz de Vergara. On April 30th, 1814 his heirs transferred these lands to Manuel Obligado, who was a town councilor in May 1810. That very same day Don Pedro José Ferrari was born and he was the one who finally became the owner of the Estancia and founder of the District of Brandsen. Over the years, the ownership of the property has changed hands several times coming up to our days. Today it is here for you thanks to all our predecessors, who have had the talent and the skill to guide us to rebuild and restore each and every detail of the life it deserves, the life it had and the life it will offer…

Some Women in Argentine History

Estancia Monte Viejo is a journey through Argentine history and a tribute to the great women who stamped those years with the passionate relationships they had with the distinctive men who shaped the present of our nation.

Our suites recall them:

Some are known by everybody, others by just a small group of scholars.
Some had an important and defining presence in Argentine history..
Some were from Buenos Aires, others from the provinces.
Some were from the lower class, others were from the high society or even closely related to the nobility.
Some had power, others shared power with their husbands and still some others suffered the consequences of power.
Some lived in foundation times, others in rough days and still others at a time Argentina experienced the favorable winds of splendor, grandeur and prosperity.
Some had to fight for the independence of the country, others had a glamorous life.
Some had a life of prudence, chastity and submission; others challenged the conservative concepts and ideas of the time.